JURY, Alfred F.
Alfred Jury (1848-1916) visited the Bell Farm in March-April 1897, after Major Bell had permanently left the Farm.
Jury was a British tailor who emigrated to Canada in 1873. He became a vocal and effective labour organizer and leader. From 1896 until his death in 1916 he also represented Canada in England as an Immigration Agent.
He toured the West in 1897 to examine the land to which he would be directing potential British emigrants. It was during that tour that he visited the Bell, Brassey and Experimental Farms.
http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/jury_alfred_fredman_14E.html - Dictionary of Canadian Biography Alfred F Jury
https://archive.org/stream/souvenirinhonoro00inte#page/30/mode/2up - photo source Alfred F Jury Souvenir in honor of the sixth convention of the International Brotherhood of Bookbinders of America: held at Toronto, Canada, on May 3rd to 7th, 1898
Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan