WAUGH, Richard - journalist: the Rambler
Reported on his visit to the Bell Farm in the June 25, 1883 issue of the Winnipeg Free Press.
Richard Waugh (1832-1908) was a Scottish journalist who settled in Winnipeg in 1882, and enjoyed a lengthy career writing about western farming for various newspapers and magazines. He was also editor of the Nor'West Farmer from 1884 until 1904. While not the first reporter to publicize the impressiveness of the Bell Farm (an earlier detailed article appeared in the Toronto Globe in 1882), Waugh's report certainly helped to draw further public attention to the Farm and helped spread its fast-growing reputation.)
Photo source / reminiscences:
https://archive.org/stream/bordermagazinea00sandgoog#page/n100/mode/2upDeath of Richard Waugh
https://archive.org/stream/bordermagazinea00unkngoog#page/n136/mode/2upObituary Source: - Winnipeg Tribune - April 28, 1908
Source for “The Rambler” identification: Winnipeg Tribune - March 18, 1890
Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan