WARDROPE, Rev. Dr. Thomas - Presbyterian Minister

Visited the Bell Farm on 24 June 1887 as part of a Presbyterian delegation tour of Western Missions.

Rev. Dr. Thomas Wardrope (1819-1914) was born in Scotland, and came to Canada in 1834 with his parents. He married Sarah Jane Masson in 1844, and went on to become a leading member of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in the late 19th century.

Although many ministers were stationed at a number of congregations throughout their ministry, he was based primarily out of Knox Church, Ottawa (then called Bytown) from 1844 to 1869, and Chalmers Church, Guelph, from 1869 to 1892. In 1891 he was elected moderator (administrative head) of the 17th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. He retired from active ministry in 1892.

Rev. Thomas Wardrope was among over 300 delegates to the Presbyterian General Assembly meeting, held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from June 9-17, 1887. Some members of that gathering subsequently travelled to Regina, and then on to the Qu’Appelle Valley and Indian Head region to inspect various Indian Reserves and the status of Presbyterian missions in that vicinity. During the tour, they also briefly visited the Bell Farm on June 24, and were accompanied by Hayter Reed, of Regina, the Assistant Indian Commissioner for the North-West Territories.


  • "Manitoba Free Press", June 28 1887 - Visit of General Assembly Delegates

  • "History of Duff and Knox Presbyterian Churches" - http://www.clarksoftomfad.ca/PresbyterianisminPuslinch1839-1899.htm

  • Photograph - http://archive.org/stream/albertatest_01379#page/n101/mode/2up -

  • Brief Biography - https://www.queensu.ca/encyclopedia/w/wardrope-rev-thomas

  • Detailed Biography: by Margaret E. Moffatt. "The Rev. Dr. Thomas Wardrope 1819 - The Historical Society ...hsottawa.ncf.ca › Dnlds

  • Limited biographical information - https://www.myheritage.com/names/thomas_wardrope


Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and Frank Korvemaker, Regina, Sask.

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TAYLOR, James - Dundee Weekly News correspondent


WAUGH, Richard - journalist: the Rambler