JONES, F.H. - Lumber Merchant
F.H. Jones built a steel grain elevator for Major Bell at Indian Head in 1903. Little is known about this Mr. Jones. This elevator construction is quite remarkable, as Major Bell permanently left Indian Head in 1896 on a sour note. However, the Major had established a Bell Elevator Company at Winnipeg around 1903, and this structure was likely one of his new company's products. Interesting that this early example should be at Indian Head.
Grain elevators that F.H. Jones built in 1903 were located at: Pettapiece, Man.; Rocanville, NWT; Welwyn, NWT; Alexander, Man.; Beresford, Man.; Grenfell, NWT; Indian Head, NWT; Grand Coulee, NWT.
There is an F.H. Jones Lumber Company in Tuscola, Illinois, which began operating in 1898; this may be the company that Major Bell employed.
There was also an F.H. Jones who was president of the Farmers & Traders Bank in Tuscola in 1904. Frank H. Jones died in 1925.
"Manitoba Free Press", Dec. 5, 1903: "An Elevator Builder"
Tuscoa history - - Tuscola: Strolling Through the Past - 1857-2007, p. 176 (Historical Business and Commercial Changes) - Tuscola, Illinois.
Tuscola bank -,++-+Tuscola,+Illinois,+1903&source=bl&ots=ZPL6sMi6DT&sig=ACfU3U2Xuowt3EGC2JFhW8bHpYXOxYxDHA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwitg9O9g_vrAhVpHTQIHSxvAxcQ6AEwEXoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=F.H.%20Jones%2C%20%20-%20Tuscola%2C%20Illinois%2C%201903&f=false
Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Frank Korvemaker, Regina, Sask.