Register entry 246 - Mabel Mary Kitto - Hill

Mabel Mary Kitto travelled to Canada on the "SS Parisian" arriving July 16, 1887 as did Professor and Mrs. Tanner. At Winnipeg and Ottawa all three registered at the same hotels. As Mabel was only 20 years of age and her father and Professor Tanner both sat on the Council of the Church Colonization Society, it's most likely they were travelling together. The trio visited the Bell Farm Aug. 30, 1887.

In 1888 Mabel married Edwin Howard Hill of Qu'Appelle in England, and returned to live at Davenport Farm, Qu'Appelle. A daughter and son, Ruby and Laurence, were added to the family before Mabel's 1893 death in England. Edwin had relocated to Victoria, B.C. by this time, later moving to Glens Falls, New York, USA and passed away at Middlesex, England in 1927.


  • Mabel Kitto SS Parisian

  • "The Standard" / London - July 7, 1888 - Kitto / Hill marriage

  • Mabel Mary Hill – 27 July,1891 census, with husband Edwin, and children Lawrence and Ruby – East Assiniboia.

  • "The Morning Post". London - June 18, 1889 – “On the 12th inst., the wife of Edwin H. Hill(Mabel Kitto), Davenport Farm, Qu'Appelle Station, Canada, of a son” – birth of Lawrence Davenport Hill

  • "The Colonies and India" - Sept 10, 1890 - “Aug 13th, at Davenport Farm, Qu'Appelle Station, Canada, the wife of Edwin Howard Hill ,of a daughter” – birth of Ruby Elizabeth Hill

  • "Victoria Daily Colonist" - June 13, 1893 - Mabel dies

  • "The Times" / London – Jan. 9, 1897 – E.H. Hill renting Davenport Farm

  • Mabel's grave - The City of London Cemetery and Crematorium Burial Entry 237099/ Square 20 Grave 35170 (buried with her mother and father)

  • Mabel Mary Hill

  • John Fenwick Kitto

  • grave image

  • East End Emigration Society / Rev. John Fenwick Kitto

  • "The Pall Mall Gazette" - Sept. 6, 1889 - recommends abandoning Christ Church settlement

  • "Montreal Gazette" - May 22, 1889 - Rev and Mrs. Kitto / about 120 emigrants

  • "Manitoba Free Press" - May 22, 1889 - arrive Montreal May 21/130 emigrants / Brandon bound

  • "The Morning Post" - May 11, 1888 - London Church Colonization Land Society ltd. – Kitto and Tanner

  • photo source for Rev. J.F. Kitto

  • Search Our Collection - Royal BC Museum - death of Ruby Elizabeth Hincks (born August 13 1889) daughter of Mabel and Edwin Hill

  • Laurence Davenport Hill (born May 12 1889) son of Mabel and Edwin Hill / back in England in 1901 census

  • Edward (Edwin?) Howard Hill was the son of Albert Hill of Bruce Castle, Tottenham and great nephew of Sir Rowland Hill.

  • p- g 2 - Indian Head / Major Bell judge - Aug. 29, 1890, "Qu'Appelle Progress"


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Register entry 243 - Hugh N. Baird


Register entry 252 - Richard Stuart Lake Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan