Register entry 237 - Gordon Tyson Legg(centre)

Visited the Bell Farm on or about July 7, 1887 - Gordon Tyson Legg was a British mortgage broker who also worked for the Sykes Farms in North Dakota. He likely visited the Bell Farm while touring the Sykes Farm near Qu'Appelle. Later he sold mortgages in Vancouver, British Columbia and Seattle, Washington. On arriving in Vancouver in 1889, Gordon Legg worked as the attorney and agent for the United Trust Company, the Canadian & American Mortgage and Trust Company, and the Edinboro American Land & Mortgage Company. In the early 1900s Legg became the managing director for the Union Steamship Company; he retired Sept 22 1911. He later returned to England (Southampton) where he passed away on April 22, 1941 (some sources say 1940).


  • Jamestown Weekly Alert, March 12, 1891, p. 1: Legg at Sykes Farms and in B.C. selling mortgages New York Daily Tribune: March 20, 1895, p. 10: Legg sailing to Liverpool, England on White Star ship: Brittanie Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 23 April 1899, p. 6: Hotel Arrivals: The Rainer-Grand Hotel Legg /1907 - Vancouver Daily World, Dec 21 1907 – Legg is in Europe Legg /1911 - Vancouver Daily World, Oct 14 1911 – Legg resigns from Union Steamship Company Legg / 1941 - London Gazette – 16 May 1942 – obituary for Gordon Legg "Whistle up the inlet:the Union Steamship Story" - not online "Vancouver and Beyond: Pictures and Stories from the Postcard" - not online - Vancouver City Archives: Gordon T. Legg photo source: 'Sound Heritage' Vol 6-7 1977: The Union Steamship Company office c. 1906. L. to R.: Unidentified person,Tom Melton(cashier),Gordon T Legg(managing director),unidentified person, and James Crockall (secretary) Gordon Tyson Legg/ education / : Register of Tonbridge School 1820-1866 / Dakota reference / family - Henderson’s BC Gazetteer, 1899-1900 - can’t open this link (June 1, 2015) Union Steamship Company: agent and attorney - - Henderson’s BC Gazetteer, 1899-1900 1885 North Dakota census /farm manager – age 32, therefore born c.1853


James A. Davis, Bismark, North Dakota; Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Frank Korvemaker, Regina, Sask.

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Register entry 235 - Mabel (Lake) Belson


Register entry 238 - William C. Camero