ROBERTS, John - Welsh Tenant Farmer
John Roberts (from North Wales) and William Henry Dempster (from South Wales) were two of the Welsh tenant farm delegates that visited the Bell Farm on Sept. 19, 1893; but they didn't sign the Register.
They left England on Aug. 24th, and return in mid November, 1893, and went across Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
Edward Philip Leacock, on behalf of the Canadian government, acted as the Delegates’ guide during their time in the Northwest.
Most of the delegates published their reports and promoted the Canadian North West back home. Dempster's report was 15 pages long; Roberts' was double that.
Welsh Tenant-Farmers Reports, 1894, by Roberts and Dempster - - p. 37-38 - refers to Brassey and Experimental Farms, but not the Bell Farm; likewise, p. 41 deals with the return trip from Calgary to Brandon, without any mention of the Bell Farm, which was discussed in Roberts' report.
1894 Sessional Papers for the Department of the Interior:,+wales,+tenant+farmer,+1893&source=bl&ots=K9FI9zDhhA&sig=ACfU3U068bNs2dV9GG-AU0Yuw9OPbeVZlA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw38y1wPHrAhXWi54KHYopB1QQ6AEwB3oECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=william%20henry%20Dempster%2C%20wales%2C%20tenant%20farmer%2C%201893&f=false
"Winnipeg Tribune" - Aug. 31, 1911 - John Roberts photo
"Winnipeg Tribune" - Sept. 1, 1911 - John Roberts / 1893 visit Major Bell not at home / entertained by Mrs. Bell (Major Bell arrived in Winnipeg Sept 18th in his role with the Grain Standard Board - to select the standards which will govern in the markets for the season of 1893-1894 The “Winnipeg Daily Tribune” Sept. 22, 1893)
Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and Frank Korvemaker, Regina, Sask.