Register entry 107 - Rev. Jacob Ellegood - Canon of Christ Church Cathedral

Visited the Bell Farm on Sept. 14, 1884 - Rev. Jacob Ellegood (1824-1911) was born in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

He initially studied in Fredericton, and after he was ordained into the Anglican Church in 1848, was stationed in Montreal. A year later he was married in Fredericton to Harriett Elizabeth Taylor.

During he 1860s he served as Chaplin to the 3rd Battalion Victoria Rifles of Canada, and was awarded the same medals as Major Bell for his participation in the 1866 and 1870 Fenian Raids in Eastern Canada.

By 1872 he had been appointed honorary Canon of Christ Church Cathedral and for many years served as rector of St. James the Apostle Church, Montreal, Quebec.

Canon Ellegood travelled to the West with the British Association tour in 1884. Although he visited the Bell Farm, there is no mention in the "Regina Leader" of him also visiting his Anglican colleagues in Regina.

He died in Montreal in 1911, at age 87.


  • Photo Source: McCord Museum: Notman and Sandham, photographers; Rev, J. Elligood , Montreal 1878 -,

  • St. Nicholas: An illustrated Magazine for Young Folks” – by Mary Mapes Dodge, Vol. 11, Nov 1883 – April. 1884; p. 262 - Jan. 1884 -

  • Biography – Jacob Ellegood - Quebec Archives -

  • “A View of their Own: The Story of Westmount”, by Aline Gubbay, 1998 – p. 43-44 -

  • Marriage of Jacob Ellegood to Harriett Taylor: "The Gentleman's Magazine", Dec. 1849, p. 638 -,+New+Brunswick&source=bl&ots=BOc28gDDjV&sig=ACfU3U05LfTrVFiM1BUl9wOxzczASw_geQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiF7aO_ksrwAhVD6J4KHZDLBigQ6AEwB3oECAgQAw#v=onepage&q=Rev.%20J.%20Ellegood%20and%20Miss%20Taylor%2C%20New%20Brunswick&f=false


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Register entry 104 - Stephen Bourne


Register entry 108 - Hugo M Muller